Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Seizing the Day

Okay, I'm finally going to do it. I'm going to take the MCAT! Med school is something I've wanted to do for years (since I was a child, actually). But one thing or another kept veering in my path and I swayed away from realizing that dream. I want to be a wife and a mother. That is my number one priority . But this desire is not waning and I feel it is something I am guided to do. I know Heavenly Father will help do what I need to do to for Medical school and for my family. Thank goodness He knows me better than I know myself. I can completely trust Him and His guidance. In my list of things to do before I die that I made years ago, applying to med school was number one. No longer will I drift with the waves of the sea. I will act; I will seize the day. I am filled with excitement! I can't begin to tell you how calm, content, and charged I feel. I feel like the kid in this picture (↑). I'm being taken for a ride and boy am I enjoying it! :) I'll just have to make sure to maintain a social life. Friends and family, I'm counting on you guys to help me with this no matter what I say.

Now, one of the most stressful part; studying for the MCAT.

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