Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mountain Climbing

As some of you might know, I have a fear of heights.  It's not a paralyzing fear, but a fear nonetheless.  Well, a month or two ago, I went climbing indoors.  I was so scared, but it was fantastic!  What a rush.  Friday I took it one step further and climbed and repelled outdoors.  There were many times I was sure I was going to die.  I can be so clumsy sometimes that it was completely foreseeable that I would just accidentally step on a lose rock and fall to my death.  Not only did I not die, but I had an even better time than I did when I did it indoors.  I will definitely do it again! 

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hi Laureen! Glad to hear you are conquering your fears! Hope you are doing great! Let's catch up!