Sunday, November 2, 2008


The first person I would like to mention as someone I admire in my "Admiration series" is my niece. Of course, being her aunt, I am absolutely in love with her. I couldn't love her more if she had been a child of my own body. I watched her come into the world and I have watched her as she has reached the ripe old age of three.It has been fascinating to me to watch her develop the attributes that will become a part of who she is as more years go by. She is a bundle of energy. And oh so smart. The list of things that she does and says that make me admire her is extremely long. What she loves, she loves well and no one can do or say anything bad about that thing or that person which she holds in affection. The other day my sister said how horrible of a mother she was while my niece was still in the room. Well, my niece was not having it. She turned on my sister and said "You're a good mommy. Don't say that. I love my mommy." How cute is that?! She is curious about everything around her and is willing to take as much time as she needs to learn about whatever catches her attention. And one of my favorite; she is fearless. This quality is also a scary one for me. I have nightmares about the kind of Shenanigans she can get into. But her courage is a trait that I very much want to assimilate into my own personality. What would the world be like if we all had the courage to step outside our comfort zones and put ourselves out there? I am happy to be fortunate enough to have the chance to look at the world through her eyes.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

What a beautiful picture! Great blog. I miss you, Laureen. You seem to be doing well! Life is good in Arizona. When are you going to visit me?